The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Little Light

Sometimes in evening dusk ending day,
The sun sets red, yet still the sky stays white,
And one finds a room where lights of lamps play.
The fireplace coal is caught and burning bright,
Yet still ‘tis dark for hearts long shut away
In worlds alone and suffering a plight
By being locked in grim unwanted gloom.
Silence rumbles the darkest empty room.

Quiet shakes the wall and falls down to sit
Upon the carpet nap its noiseless mark.
Dusk shades the boards and time is stalled with it,
Hiding what you may need within the dark.

The mist of light is growing now a bit.
How soft it spreads its comfort. Warm its spark.
With life again, your heart can start to cope.
We have a name anew. Mankind has His hope.

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