The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Fifty Miles Away

These winds howl around.
Make snowflakes swirl by.
Its lash stings my cheek
And puts water in my eye.
Oh, what a night time.
Oh, what a day.
Knee deep in snow
And fifty miles away.

Drifts form where I must walk.
My feet grow numb and cold.
How I fear this dampness
The night wind has called.

My ears are hurt and sore
And I’m no further than I’ve been.
I cannot climb the hills
Where ice slides me down, and then...

Ahead I see a growing light.
I’ll soon feel a fire’s warm glow
And I swear, come another storm,
I’ll not travel into the blow.
Oh, what a night time.
Oh, what a day.
Snow upon the window
And I’m home to stay.

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