The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Aria of the King

At last, I have a son.
After all these years,
This old boy got it done.
I’ve waited so long
And I’ve tried so hard,
I’ve worn out two queens.
Six midwives and the Bard.
But I’ve got my son.
What a lad he’ll be,
Tall handsome and strong...
Unless he resembles me.

He shall have my kingdom,
Every last square mile.
He shall have my wardrobe,
Every last square style,
And best of all, he shall have
My kingly pasteboard smile.

All my kingdom, his will be.
Every beast and beastee in it.
Every surf and surfboard
And the surfers who rent it.
He shall own my oil wells,
My dogs, my stables, my camps,
And he shall receive my books
Of collected royal green stamps.
He shall have my cloak of purple.
He shall have my gown of red.
He’ll probably have my character,
As solid as rusting lead.

Illustration: Aroldo Lindi in costume, photographer unknown

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