The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Friday, July 23, 2010

Saga of Mike Neff

In the town of Keystone lived a boy named Mike Neff,
Until one day last year he stole a car and left.
He thought this meant he was a man who had grown up,
But he was nothing more than a run-away stray pup.
Mike, come back home, son.
Mike, do not roam, Mike.
Mike, please atone.

A cop set out to chase him down in a black sedan,
That foolish young boy who thought he was a man.
But Mike refused to be caught by the police patrol
And at great speed, Mike lost his car’s control.
Mike, come back home, son.
Mike, do not roam, Mike.
Mike, please atone.

The car hopped and then skidded into a pole and then
A mangled wreck stood where a car had been,
But before the cop could come to help and see
The fire burst out and Mike Neff ceased to be.
Mike, come back home, son.
Mike, do not roam, Mike.
Mike, please atone.

The town of Keystone lost a boy named Mike Neff,
Of that boy only a memory is still left
To a gray-haired woman, who comes to sit and weep
And wish Mike a peaceful eternal sleep.
Mike, come back home, son.
Mike, do not roam, Mike.
                                    Mike, please atone.

Illustration: El Paso mug shot of Johnny Cash, 1965
This is a parody of Cash's "Don't Take Your Guns to Town".

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