The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Monday, July 19, 2010

A More Appropriate Ending For "West Side Story"

Tony has just been shot before the eyes of Marie. She has rushed to grab him and they have dropped to the pavement together. She cradles his head in her arms. As the two gangs gather about them, Maria sings:

                        There’s a place for you.
                        Somewhere a place for you...

Tony’s eyes flicker and he takes her hand in his. With tears in his eyes, he stares up at his girl. Pain is obvious in the way he squeezes her hand. As Maria leans forward, we hear Tony:

                                    Get me a doctor, if you care.
                                    He’ll repair
                                    The bullet tear
                                    Someway. Somewhere
                                    A doctor’s living.
                                    Don’t sing.

Illistration:  Still from the film "West Side Story"

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