The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Monday, July 19, 2010


You see the same sights.
Ain’t one of them yours.
You look for the out.
It keeps you up nights
Dreaming of rich shores.

How the hell does a guy
Find success in this place?
Honest work’s obsolete
When rushing the rat race.
Praise is automatic
When you kiss ass enough.
The cheaters seem to win;
Their sincerity all bluff.

You ride the same route.
You spy the same eyes
Of anticipation.
Looking for the out
Hearing only lies
By automation

How the hell does a guy
Break the bonds of fiefdom?
Ain’t quality that counts,
It’s how cheap it gets done.
Our soul’s been put on sale,
Discounted away.
Tonight is like last night:
Tomorrow’s yesterday.

You ride the same route,
Read the same headline:
Wall Street declared God.
You look for the out.
They have covered life
With neon facade.

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