The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Wind blowing silently
Veils today’s romance,
Sending leaves in a courting dance.
In begins to rain eventually.
It is giving seduction half a chance.

Then the pour begins to steam and to swell,
Like an ovenbird roasting upon hot coals.
It turns lumpish, it bloats, it swells like rolls,
And its friskiness breaks apart the spell,
Turning romance to nervous hems and haws.

It comes flooding, rushing and roaring down,
Obviously everything letting go,
Tolling bells and dousing fires. Now we know
What is the meaning of the thudding sound,
For in this seeping are the seeds we sow.

Booming down, it beats across all the land,
Swelling the belly of the pregnant streams,
Streaking the heaven with the labor screams.
As it grows we begin to understand
Just why dampness saturates our dreams.

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