The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Son of Man


God’s wrath; His agony is felt too well.
He hangs in myth. He spills downward a tear.
Where are those heroes? Are the travails forgot?
People turn away, leave him dying here.
Truly, the crying of forsaking swells
Into seven times seven angry fears.
We taunt to keep him moving, soothing not
His soul by worldly ways. All the Earth sneers
To see him hung in pain and private hell.
It scourges him and tortures him. It’s clear.
Our glee has spun a rope of thorny knots.
We meet his claim with games of chance and jeers,
        But while we stand and wait to see him die,
        Down comes salvation from the darkened sky.

Illustration: Christ by the author, 1958



Put down your rocks, people,
Lay down your gun.
The foundation has weakened,
Its dust blots the sun.
Take account of the wounded,
Pray for the dead.
Don’t shout as loudly.
Hear what’s been said.
You once had a reason to take a stand,
But now the causes are lost in the sand.

Beards aren’t important,
Nor is your hair.
Stop being exclusive,
The time’s come to share.
The signs that you tote
Use volatile words,
But no one finds order
Within Mongol hordes.
You had a cause to take and defend,
But now the causes are lost in the wind.

We still see bigotry
And a war in the East.
And still people starve,
While others hold feasts.
You picket and boycott
While our troubles accrue,
Complicating our problems
With the problem of you.
You once had a reason to stand and fight,
But now the causes are lost in the night.

You’re thinking I’m speaking
Radicals and such.
It just goes to show,
Realities a crutch.
I’m talking of us,
Victims and veterans of war,
Afraid of a future
That didn’t happen before.
We once had a reason to take a stand,
But now the causes are lost in the sand.

Illustration: Self-Portrait, 1967

I Am Like the Night

Larry Eugene Meredith

I am like the night.

Who can see the night unseeable?

Underneath the night Is light.

I am like the sea.
                        Place of mystery clearly opaque.

Underneath the sea --

            I am not like those
                        Content in blind corners nested in narrowness.
                                    With eyes wide shut they

See not

That I am like the night.

Illustration: Photo by Nitewrit, 2007

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Travel Notes


I am turning into other things,
Yet somehow stay the same.
I am sitting in my living room
While I’m walking in the rain

And it’s very gently dropping
Dripping             dropping
Falling wetly on my head,
Getting slightly slippery,
Rolling sleepily down my skin
Rolling            sliding
And it is slowly seeping in
Slipping through my skin,
Through my skin,
So cruelly
Slipping through my skin.

Then I sit upright
Facing through the light
To listen to my fright
For I feel a growing fear
Of some crashing I might hear
If the thunder starts again.

I am sitting in my chair
While standing over there
When it begins.

Thudding and thumping!
Bumping and bouncing!
It is the thrashing of my fear.
Growing deeper is this noise.
It is thumping on the wall.
It is tramping down the hall.
Banging, bashing, slashing,
Shaking pictures as it falls,
And it’s barging through my mind,
Busting outward through my skull.

Then it flows like washing water from a warming rivulet smoothly swaying and swelling and I can taste that I shall drown in this sticky lustrousness of a milky sun-lit honey and so dreamingly drift throughout the flushing running flow of the straining stream until it is as relaxed as music.

My night is sadly funny.

There is the sorrow of her laugh
That rises where the water gave its bath,
Where every night begins,

A star regains its twitching,
My mind’s in pain and itching.
Life and death are busy switching.

I reach awkwardly for the wall
For it is fastly flying.
I am forever falling and the wall
Goes off so fastly flying.
The wall has left me alone with it all
Pressing for my fall and I must crawl
In the empty of myself.
And the wall is flying faster.
What could it be that it is after?

And I am grieving for now I hear
A corpse that comes to stare




From my place upon the chair.



Larry Eugene Meredith

May the past year be pleasant memories
And the New Year be memorable pleasures.

May all your memories be pleasant
And all your pleasures be memorable.

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