The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Older Than Egypt

I touch your hand
And your arm falls off.
I pat your back,
You begin to cough.
My eyes look down
At your twisted face,
And I must admit,
With distaste!

Older than Egypt are you.
Paler than toothpaste are you.
Drier than desert sands
Are the shriveled lips you gave me.

Gloomier than graves are you.
Weaker than slaves are you.
Devil, not angel: hell, not Heaven.
Are you to me.

And when you die and decay
Inside my tomb
And fill my coffin up with dust,

                        Older than Egypt am I.
                        Drier than deserts am I.
                        Witch and Warlock,
                        Mummy and Thing
                        Am I with you.

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