The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Two I Have Known

There is the scratching of time ticking at the wall
Just out the window is a sky in tearful squall,
Inside the room is a doom stronger than the pine,
But it isn’t doom at all. It’s just the ticking time.

Sitting in her corner is May, the flower-girl,
Lost inside her weedy world of smoky-curl;
While nearby, drowning his life, sits a shot-glass Glenn,
Everything he ever had glugged down to have been.

Two I have known from another town.
Don’t look around.
They can’t be found.

Today, one of these twain has toked-up adrift,
Leaving the other aswim in whiskeys and ryes.
One is always chasing rainbows behind the clouds;
The other’s always hoisting toasts to dimming skies.

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