The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Friday, July 23, 2010

People in the Doorway Afraid to Come Out

Many years ago these people died
And it’s been down hill since then.
Cloaks of conformity, where souls can hide,
Tugged a little tighter against the wind
And it’s shielding out the fear
The chance to be alive
Might come tearing down their street
And park across their drive.

Many years these minds have been asleep
And having nightmares all along.
The pillows silencing those who might weep
Have also smothered out the living’s song,
That sings forget the fear
To stand up and be alive
Come swim across the world pool
And splash us with a dive.

Many days of dust have clung to these
And it keeps catching in their eyes.
It’s the excess of the life long roles
It takes to hide away the life long lies,
And it’s chanting that the fear
That those still alive
Might come across their secrets
And show them to the tribe.

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