The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Second Greatest Event

Blue snow holds quiet reign
Upon this merry night.
The very stars are hushed,
While a full moon glows bright.
And a voice is calling
From the clouds pulled apart,
And away off afar
A star’s journey will start.
On many hill’s around,
The eerie shepherd horns
Announce the holy night
That Jesus Christ is born.

From a chilly stable stall
An ancient oil lit lamp showed,
Waking not the sleepy goat
Nor the spotted cow which lowed.
Only the donkey watches
As the man with beard prepares
A manger cradle of straw
For the child the virgin bares.
This blessed girl has no grief
In the birthing of the babe,
Who will bring light to the world
He must suffer in to save.
 “Is this the right place?” questioned one,
From the back of the camel tall,
Of the shepherd lad all in rags.
“Birth spot of the King of us all?
Is He that swaddled baby there,
That the woolly sheep lay before
In that peasant cattle manger?
Is that He who made Herod roar?
And will we find here the Savior
That the holy dreams told us of?
Is this the town of Bethlehem?
The birthplace of Jehovah’s love?”

“Yea, yea, verily yea,”
Do shout the angels high
Covering up the blue
Of the day’s morning sky.
“We wish you peace on earth,”
Was the song beat by wings.
Hundreds upon hundreds,
Angels will praise and sing.
“There is peace on the Earth
To all men of good will”.
Snow melted.  Quiet ceased.
But Jesus Christ reigns still.

Illustration: Angels Announcing the Birth of Christ to the Shepherds by Govert Teunisz Flinck, 1639

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