The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ode to My Grandmother Upon her 75th Birthday

She taught me reading of words upon her knee
At four twenty and four Washington Ave,
In the kitchen she made crust pies for me
I’ve never had better than those I’d have.
You know, in eighteen hundred ninety nine
This country was a dissimilar place,
Lacking conveniences from in our time!
Automobile excursion, not outer space.
States were not all states; borders not yet strung.
Through History she stayed forever young.

When somebody has been there all your life
They can be simply taken for granted.
Through the moments of joy, hard times and strife,
She was there with love given openhanded.
It’s art to be a grandmother; science too.
Some are artisans. Mine was a master.
How can you show what someone means to you?
Carve their statute in white alabaster?
I count it a blessing I’m her grandson.
I’ll survey her and stay forever young.

Eleventh, June, nineteen seventy four,
Happy Birthday, mam-mam, at seventy-five.
You gave the future to me, and much more,
You made the past glow vivid and alive.
Today ev’rybody sings you a song.
I want you to know in my heart will sing
Ev’ry visit where you took me along,
Each story told, ev’ry toy you would bring,
And this paean will forever be sung.
For being so hip and forever young!

Written for my maternal; grandmother on her 75th birthday.

The photos are of her in her youth and on her last birthday celebrating with her great grand children.

Esther 1899-1978


Anonymous said...

a nice poem for a wonderful person as you describe, the pictures are lovely! you were blessed with her love! enjoy gooseberry day!!!

Scarlet said...

What precious pictures and words you shared here...a very loving tribute to your grandmother.

I enjoyed this journey to your family's history ~

Marbles in My Pocket said...

A beautiful write and an awesome tribute, Larry. Very nice!

The Poet said...

When our loved ones leave us, there are some memories that will always remain with us...etched in our hearts.
Lovely tribute to your grandmother, whom you obviously loved dearly.
Thanks for sharing.

For ref:
On This Orange-Hued day

Anonymous said...

My grandma loved me more than anyone else could ever love me. That says it all.

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

what a lovely birthday celebration,

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