The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

Total Pageviews Since June 2009

Friday, July 23, 2010


Kisses are the blossoms
Fallen to the river
Touching with calm softness
Yet strong as the tide can make them
Rippling in the currents
Of the rushing river

They are mine forever
Taken from their giver
Smooth to worldly roughness
Placid on the stormy lake then
Floating like a flower
On a rushing river

Kisses are the breezes
Blowing on the river
Brimming with refreshness
Touching early evening darkness
Given unto blossom
These blooms of the giver

Kisses are the blossoms
Fallen from the giver
Pressing gentle softness
On the lips pursing to take them
Burning on the surface
Of my rushing river


Bethe77 said...

Very romantic!

Anonymous said...

huhu this is nice and i like your blog! thank you for sharing this. my entry:

Marbles in My Pocket said...

I've never thought of a kiss as being "mine forever", but it's true. What a brilliant thought and line in this wonderful poem! Very nicely done! Love the picture, too!

Here's a memory from me:

Ann LeFlore said...

I am so happy to have found this on Gooseberry Garden. I so enjoyed your poem. I have tried one for the first time. This is my entry

Maxwell Mead Williams Robinson Barry said...

love it.
mind blowing imagery.

Anonymous said...

agreed nice images...

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