The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Monday, August 25, 2008

I Beg-g-g of You-u-u



I don’t want my head to be broken,

It’s the only one I got.

Darlin’, please be careful,

I know you’ve beared a lot.

Please, don’t break my head,

                        I beg of you!


I don’t want my blood a-drippin’.

You know I’d hate to die,

And that’s what bound to happen

If your temper gets too high.

Darlin’, please don’t get so high,

                        I beg of you!


Hold my hand and promise,

You won’t make it black and blue,

Even if I know you hate me,

Hate me through and through.


Little girl, you got me miserable,

Must you shoot me too?

Please don’t take advantage

Of my bruises blue.

Darlin’, please, please don’t do,

                        I beg-g-g of you-u-u!

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