The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Yum Ye Ye Yum

Yum ye ye yum, Yum ye ye yum,
I love you, you ou ou you.
I never thought that I would fall,
But here I am, I love you all.

Yum ye ye yum, Yum ye ye yum,
I love you, you ou ou you.
You’re muh ever lovin’ baby,
You’re muh bread, butter and gravy.

Yum ye ye yum, Yum ye ye yum,
I love you, you ou ou you.
Just like the moon lights up the night.
Just like the stars shine down so bright.

Yum ye ye yum, Yum ye ye yum,
I love you, you ou ou you.
Let’s stay together for e’er more.
Let’s get mated by half-past four.

For I make this love to be our’s
For every day and every hour.
For I love ya each single day,
Till the time June comes ‘fore May.

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