The Kid and friends somewhere near Lenape, Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1950

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Saturday, July 25, 2009

You're A Fool, George Hilborn

Where oh where,
Did the little lad run?
What an idiot!
What a fool to run off
‘Cause he couldn’t face the competition.

You’re a fool, George Hilborn.
You’re a fool, can’t you see?
You’re a fool, George Hilborn
When you ran away from me.

You’re a fool.
George Hilborn.
You’re as foolish
As can be.

You’re a fool,            The breeze is
George Hilborn            Running along.
‘Cause you ran            By its side skips
Away from she.            George Hilborn.
            The rain has no
            To face up to
            George’s wrath.
            You’re a fool,
You’re a fool,            George Hilborn.
Can’t you see?
            You’re a fool,
            George Hilborn.
You’re a fool,            ‘Cause you ran
George Hilborn            Away from me.
You’re as foolish
As can be.

You’re a fool,            I had always said
George Hilborn            That this here boy
‘Cause you ran            Would go quite far.
Away from she.            I just hope he
            Don’t run back.

Little boy lost,
Where can he be?                        You’re a fool.
Oh dear, oh my.            You’re a fool,            George Hilborn.
Now I can see            George Hilborn.            You’re as foolish
Him wandering            You’re a fool,            As can be.
Lost and lonely            Can’t you see?
Way out where                        You’re a fool,
There is found only                        George Hilborn.
The north wind            You’re a fool,            ‘Cause you went
And desert ground            George Hilborn.            And ran away.
And the night is            ‘Cause you ran
Full of strange sound,            Away from me.
Like a haunt stalking
His footsteps.

All through the night
An animal crept.
Then jumped out.
Oh man. That’s cool!
George Hilborn,
You are a fool.

You’re a fool, George Hilborn.
You’re as foolish as can be.
You’re a fool, George Hilborn,
‘Cause you ran away from she.

George, you’re a fool all right,
But I’m a fool much bigger.
If you wonder why I am,
It’s because what I did was sicker
Then running away like you.

I’m a fool, George Hilborn.
I’m a fool, just like you.
I’m a fool, George Hilborn
‘Cause I let me get away from you.

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